God desires to speak to you through dreams
God wants to speak to you through dreams?
The Importance of Dreams for God
I bless the Lord, for he counsels me; even at night my heart teaches me.
Psalms 16, 7
As the sun set, a deep sleep fell on Abram, and behold, he was assailed by terror and great darkness. The Lord said to Abram:
Genesis 15, 12-13
In Gibeon, the Lord appeared to him in a dream during the night and God said to him: "Ask me what you want me to give you."
1 Kings 3, 5
1 Kings 3, 5
Do you know why King Solomon is known in the Bible? What comes up most often is, of course, the gift of wisdom that no one on earth will have seen so great. Jesus was superior in wisdom, being himself wisdom incarnate.
Solomon received this gift from God, but we could forget how he received it... in a dream! In one night, Solomon's life was completely changed by a dream from God.
We could continue with the first dreamer in the Bible: Abraham. The covenant between God and Abraham was also made through a dream.
Sometimes we read the scriptures and not pay attention to how God communicates. Dreams hold an important place in the heart of God. Looking into the Scriptures, we see that night visions have always been a channel that God likes to speak to us.
I would like to tell you that God also desires to speak to you through dreams. It has nothing to do with whether you are dreaming or not, dreams that come from God are sent by Him. The only thing He asks of us is a thirst to restore the culture of dreaming in our lives, to expect Him to speak to us in our sleep.
Our God speaks to us but we don't notice
God speaks however, sometimes in one way, sometimes in another, and we do not notice it. He speaks through dreams, through night visions, when a deep sleep falls on men, when they are asleep on their bed. He then communicates his message to them and confirms the warnings he gives them. He thus wants to divert man from his way of doing things. It saves the strong man from falling into pride, it preserves his soul from the grave and his life from the threat of the javelin
Job 33, 14-18
I draw your attention to the verse we have just read. The text says that God speaks to us in different ways, but “we do not notice it”.
The question sometimes is therefore not whether God speaks, but whether He spoke without our paying attention.
We can receive dreams from God, but because we don't understand the meaning, we think it comes from our subconscious as God was telling us something for our season of life.
Why don't we pay attention to our dreams? I do not pretend to be able to answer them fully, but I would like to submit my opinion to you. I believe it's because we don't see God in the dreams He gives us, that we don't give credit to our dreams. We must, for this, restore the culture of dreams in our lives and, with it, the way of interpreting them. We will thus notice that God speaks to us a lot through them.
What we can understand in this biblical passage that we have just read is that through dreams, God:
1. Communicates its message
2. Confirm warnings
3. Protects us from pride
4. Protects us from death
What if our dreams that we thought came from our subconscious came from God? So how do you know if a dream comes from God? The first thing is to take our dreams seriously, because they are there to communicate a message to us from God. The first thing is to pray every time we dream and ask the Holy Spirit to show us if this dream is a divine message.
Restoring the culture of dreams
Joseph had yet another dream, and he told it to his brothers. He said, "I had another dream: the sun, the moon, and eleven stars bowed down before me." He told it to his father and his brothers. His father scolded him and said, “What does the dream you had mean? Must we come, me, your mother and your brothers, to prostrate ourselves on the ground before you? His brothers were jealous of him, but his father remembered this.
Genesis 37, 9-11
Genesis 37, 9-11
This text, despite the obvious family dysfunctions (favoritism, aggressiveness, etc.), represents in my opinion what the culture of dreams is.
First, Joseph talks about his dreams around him .
Of course, the family tension not helping, it created more tension. However, the culture of dreams is present there and we talked about it openly.
Second, Jacob does not question Joseph's dream
Be careful not to make a doctrine out of it, because some of our dreams may not come from God. Jacob will even throw to Joseph, with some questioning, what the dream may mean. To live in the culture of dreams is to be attentive to dreams and to desire to grasp their meanings.
Third, Jacob understands that dreams are symbolic .
At this moment, he realizes that it is not really the moon, the sun and the stars that prostrate themselves before Joseph, but him, Léa (who acts as a “mother” after Rachel's death) and his brothers. To live the culture of dreams is to understand that our dreams are imbued with symbolic actions.
Fourth, Jacob understands that the dream, however powerful, is not for now.
Joseph's father, Jacob, therefore keeps the memory of the dream in his heart. To live in dream culture is to understand that even though the dream is strong in emotions, even though we feel a sense of urgency in our dream, it is mostly to grab our attention and to encourage us to keep them in our heart. In this regard, I encourage you to keep the memory of your dreams by writing them in a notebook (notebook, computer, telephone...) so as not to forget them.
Jeremy Pothin